2023 Indiana Invasive Species Conference Recap
The conference this year was truly inspiring, and it was so wonderful to be able to connect and learn with all the attendees. And speaking of attendees, we had a record number this year of 250! We are truly thankful for all our conference sponsors (below) and for our conference committee. A special shout-out to the Hamilton County Invasives Partnership for working so closely with the conference committee, helping on conference day, and providing some stellar field trips in the Noblesville area! It truly was a team effort.

Many presentations were given throughout the morning, along with concurrent sessions in 3 tracks: research, CISMA development, and land management. Participants heard from natural resources professionals, land managers, landscape architects, and more. We heard state updates from Eric Bitner, Indiana Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology, and Anthony Sipes, Indiana State Parks Natural Resources Manager, and learned about jumping worms from Bob Bruner with Purdue University Extension. Continuing education credits were offered again this year for anyone interested.
Field trip experiences were diverse, and participants had a variety of options to choose from. From watching a large equipment demonstration with Stantec to a visit with Central Indiana Land Trust staff at Nonie Werbe Krauss Nature Preserve to visiting a private landowner’s property to learn about progress on invasive removal and native plant installation, we tried to cover it all! Our goal every year is to provide relevant content to all: professionals, private landowners, CISMA members, and citizens of Indiana.
We also held our first silent auction that had some amazing items donated! All proceeds of the conference go directly to Indiana CISMAs through small grants, reimbursements, and other support. We hope that all who joined us had a great time learning, networking, and sharing their knowledge and experience. It is always wonderful and inspiring to hear from everyone how they are working to manage invasive species, restore and protect habitat, and working together to increase the efficiency of all of our efforts across the state.
If you would like to know more details about what was offered, visit our conference page. The 2024 conference committee is already hard at work planning for next year, and details on the date and location for the next conference will be shared as we plan. Thank you all for everything you do to protect, restore, and conserve our natural areas! We hope to see you next year!