Donate — State of Indiana Cooperative Invasives Management

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donate & support SICIM

Educational display created by Regional Specialist Amber Slaughterbeck for the Vigo County Library.

Educational display created by Regional Specialist Amber Slaughterbeck for the Vigo County Library.

Why Donate?

SICIM is a 501c3 non-profit that is funded by grants, donations, and volunteer labor. Individual donations go a long way to further our efforts by allowing us to pay for staff and provide required matching funds to grant awards we receive.

Donations can be made online securely (below) and by check. Make checks out to SICIM with “Donations” in the memo line. Checks should be mailed to 1919 Steven Ave, Bedford, IN 47421.

If you would rather support the organization using another method, or if you have questions, please call 812-653-5563 or email

Thank you for supporting the Indiana Invasives Initiative! As a thank you, SICIM and III merchandise will accompany different sponsorship levels. Please let us know if you would not like to receive these items.

  • Contributor sponsors ($50-$99) will receive an III window cling

  • Patron sponsors ($100-$149) will receive a SICIM t-shirt (please specify size).

  • Bronze and above sponsors (>$150) will receive an III window cling, a SICIM t-shirt (please specify size), and a SICIM magnet.

Sponsors will be listed on the annual report if they wish to be, or can remain anonymous. A quarterly newsletter goes out to anyone who signs up by email or provides a sponsorship.

Indiana Invasives T-Shirt Campaign

Order your Indiana Invasives Initiative shirt today to help spread the word about invasive plants and the Indiana Invasives Initiative. All proceeds and donations will go to SICIM in support of the Indiana Invasives Initiative.

On the front, the welcoming phrase "Ask Me About Invasive Plants" is a great way to start a conversation and raise awareness. The illustrations on the back depict 3 common invasive plant threats to Indiana (garlic mustard, Asian bush honeysuckle, and Callery pear) with the names of 10 "Most Unwanted Invasive Plants" listed below.


sicim’s DONOR privacy policy

SICIM is committed to respecting the privacy of our donors. Any information supplied to SICIM by donors will be used solely to fulfill their donation and shall not be shared for any reason. All requests to remain anonymous shall be honored.

SICIM will never sell or share donor lists or information. Donors, email subscribers, and other contacts who provide SICIM with their postal address and/or email address may be contacted by SICIM staff or board. All donors have the option to request to be placed on our “do not solicit” list, and are able to opt-out from receiving email communications at any time.

SICIM abides by the Donor Bill of Rights created by the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP), the Association for Healthcare Philanthropy (AHP), the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE), and the Giving Institute: Leading Consultants to Non-Profits.

If you have questions or comments about donating to SICIM or about our donor privacy policy, please email us at or call 812-653-5563.

Thank you for your support!