Contractors — State of Indiana Cooperative Invasives Management

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The following list includes businesses that offer for hire, commercial services that include invasive plant management in all or part of the SICIM area.  The listing of a business here does not imply any endorsement or recommendation by SICIM.  SICIM is also not responsible for the accuracy of the listed information, individuals looking for a contractor should contact the business for more information. 

If you are a contractor that would like to be listed on this page, or would like to update your listed information, please contact SICIM at or 812-653-5563. 

Map of Invasive Species Removal Contractors

A1 Land Management, LLC, Batesville, IN

Service area: Franklin, Ripley, Decatur, Dearborn, Ohio, Switzerland, Fayette, Union Counties, Southeastern Indiana

Contact: Sam Abplanalp, 812-212-5419,

Services provided: At A1 Land Management LLC we specialize in land reclamation. We control and remove woody invasive species by mechanical methods. Fence clearing, brush removal, bush hogging, forest thinning and logging cleanup are just a few of the services we offer. We primarily use an excavator with a brush cutting head to reach areas a tractor or skid steer cannot.

Insurance information: Commercial general liability

Arborterra Consulting, INc PO Box 148, Lizton, IN 46149

Service Area: Owen, Morgan, Monroe, Brown, Greene (also west central IN)
Contact: Mike Warner, t: 317-994-6125; e:; w:
Services and Expertise: Eradication and control of woodland invasive plants through mechanical and chemical methods.  Control of invasives including (but not limited to) bush honeysuckle, Japanese honeysuckle, Autumn olive, tree of heaven, oriental bittersweet, wisteria, multiflora rose, burning bush, grape vines, etc. Over 30 years of experience as a full service forestry consultant in west central Indiana with a degree in Forestry from Purdue University.  Licensed Commercial Applicator of Pesticides in Indiana - Category 2. USDA Technical Service Provider – Forestry. Association of Consulting Foresters and Certified Forester - Society of American Foresters.
Insurance: Professional liability

Clean Slate Brush Control, LLC Henry County, IN

Service Area: Central Indiana
Contact: Tim Martin, 765-465-6207; e:
Services and Expertise: We specialize in forestry mulching. We will create mulch out of the invasive plant species. We can clean up woods, fence rows or create walking trails on your property.
Insurance: $2 million liability insurance

Eco Logic, LLC 8685 W. Vernal pike bloomington in 47404

Service Area: Indiana
Contact: Spencer Goehl, 812-876-7711; e:; w:
Services and Expertise: Eco Logic offers an array of invasive plant management services. Eco Logic has large equipment for large scale invasive plant management projects, but can also do very specific treatments in high quality natural areas. We strive to minimize our ecological footprint while providing very effective control of invasive plants. We utilize best management practices such as power-washing all application equipment between projects to avoid the spread of invasive species. We have a full staff of Office of the Indiana State Chemist certified applicators and are licensed in Forestry, Aquatic, Ornamental and Industrial Weed Management.

Eco-Systems, Inc 6640 N. old st rd 37 bloomington, in 47408

Service Area: Indiana
Contact: Steve Chafin, t: 812-339-6664; e:; w:
Services and Expertise: Terrestrial as well as aquatic invasive species control services, including backpack, ATV, truck, and boat mounted spray equipment. Indiana commercial pesticide applicators license, for forestry (Cat. 2), aquatics (Cat. 5), and right of ways (Cat. 6).
Insurance: $2,000,000 aggregate

Gramwood, Inc 333 West 6th Street Jasper, IN 47546

Service Area: Crawford, Harrison, Perry, Orange, Dubois, Martin, Pike, Gibson and Knox Counties
Contact: Phillip Gramelspache, t: 812-482-4081; c: 812-309-1209; e:
Services and Expertise: Eradication and control of woodland invasive plants through mechanical and chemical methods. Invasive Control for the past 3 years. Indiana commercial pesticide applicators license, Category 2.
Insurance: Liability

GREGG Forest Services 3686 E State Road 56 Scottsburg, IN 47170

Service Area: Harrison, Washington, Clark, Floyd, Jefferson, Jackson, Jennings, Orange, Perry, and Crawford Counties
Contact: Michael Gregg, t: 812-987-4060; e:; w:
Services and Expertise: Invasive Species Treated: tree-of-heaven, Japanese Honeysuckle, multiflora rose, Japanese stilt grass, bush honeysuckle, Oriental bittersweet, and mimosa. 11 years experience with invasive weed management.  Indiana commercial pesticide applicator license.  Association of Consulting Foresters.  I take continuing education classes about herbicides and invasive weed management almost every year.
Insurance: General liability and Forester's professional liability

Habitat Solutions Wildlife and Forest Mgmt 12875 Sawmill rd. columbus, in 47201

Service Area: Southern and central Indiana
Contact: Dan McGuckin, t: 812-320-3678; e:; w:
Services and Expertise: Foliar- high volume, boom and back pack applications of all invasive grass, herb, shrub, tree and vines. Cut stump, hack and squirt and basal oil applications on invasive shrub, tree and vines BS in Forestry from Purdue University. Certified Forester and Certified Wildlife Biologist. Indiana commercial pesticide applicators license, categories 1A, 2 and 5.  23 years experience managing invasive plants on public and private lands.  Board member of the Brown County Native Woodlands Program.  Invasive project references available upon request.
Insurance: Professional liability

Haubry Forestry and Wildlife Consulting P.o. Box 216, Brownstown, in 47220

Service Area: Monroe, Brown, Bartholomew, Jackson, Jennings, Lawrence, Washington, Orange, and Scott Counties
Contact: Rob Haubry, t: 812-525-8998; e:; w:
Services and Expertise: Purdue University - BSF 1990 - Double Major in Forest Management and Wildlife Management, 30+ years managing Indiana forests. Timber management, timber stand improvement, tree and shrub planting, wildlife habitat and food plots, and real estate services. Control of woodland invasives such as Asian Bush Honeysuckle, Japanese Honeysuckle, Autumn Olive, Oriental Bittersweet, Stilt Grass, Ailanthus (Tree of Heaven), Multiflora Rose, Burning Bush, and Privet. Indiana Commercial Pesticide Applicator - Category 2.
Insurance: Professional liability

Indiana Outdoor Solutions LLC 2859 n cataract rd. Spencer, in 47460

Service Area: Central Indiana
Contact: Derek Stover, t: 765-913-7060; e:
Services and Expertise: We are a 100% family owned and operated company that specializes in mechanical removal of unwanted vegetation along with mowing. We also offer low impact logging, custom saw milling, excavation, fencing, and property cleanup.
Insurance: $1,500,000 aggregate

Myron Terrain Management New Albany, IN

Service Area: All of IN and KY
Contact: Ben Myron, t: 812-913-4991; c: 502-693-1318; e:; w:
Services and Expertise: We have been in business since 2017 and specialize in forestry mulching, herbicide application, light excavation/demolition and revegetation operations i.e. bulk tree planting, pasture restoration and grass establishment. While our base of operations is in New Albany, IN, we have provided services to local governments, commercial and private clients all over the state of Indiana and Kentucky with sporadic travel to Michigan, Ohio, and Tennessee.
Insurance: Fully licensed and insured

Oiko Monroe county, IN

Service Area: Monroe County and surrounding area
Contact: Jack Cathcart, e:; w:
Services and Expertise: Oiko is an environmental service offering invasive plant control and habitat restoration with native plantings in Monroe County and surrounding area. Primarily in residential lawns and landscapes. Services cover non-native terrestrial plants and use manual methods of control to limit ecological impact on surrounding vegetation.

Premier Land worx Putnam county, IN

Service Area: All of Indiana and Northern Kentucky
Contact: David Black, t: 765-719-0384; e:; w:
Services and Expertise: Premier Land Worx, which is a DBA under Premier Excavation LLC, controls invasives like bush honeysuckle, autumn olive, japanese honeysuckle, multiflora rose by the use of specialized forestry mulching equipment, which is the fastest method to control unwanted species.
Insurance: $2 million general aggregate

Quality Forest Management, Inc 8537 W. 675 South huntingburg, in 47542

Service Area: Southwest and south-central Indiana
Contact: Justin Herbaugh, t: 812-536-2026; c: 812-639-8378; e:
Services and Expertise: Provide control work for primarily ailanthus and Asian bush honeysuckle using herbicides and/or mechanical and chemical methods. Have 18 years experience as a full service consultant forester in southern Indiana with a B.S. Degree in Forestry from Purdue University. Licensed Commercial Applicator of Pesticides in Indiana - Category 2. USDA Technical Service Provider – Forestry. Association of Consulting Foresters.
Insurance: Commercial General Liability Insurance ($2,000,000), with Professional Forester Endorsement

Stambaugh Forestry 12817 E. State rd 54 Springville, in 47462

Service Area: Greene, Owen, Morgan, Monroe, Brown, Lawrence, Jackson, Orange, Martin, Daviess, Sullivan counties
Contact: John Stambaugh, t: 812-863-7272; c:812-384-5887; e:
Services and Expertise: Treatment of invasive native and non-native woody vegetation only in all settings. (i.e. woodlands, pastures, natural water corridors, tree plantings, all ROWs, along man-made ditches) Licensed pesticide applicator for 24 years, Categories 2 and 6. Current in all continuing education. SAF Certified Forester, Association of Consulting Foresters.
Insurance: $1,000,000 liability Ins.

stantec Consulting, INC.

Service Area: Indiana
Contact: Ryan Mendenhall, t: 317-478-4210;
Services and Expertise: Specializing in ecological consulting including terrestrial and aquatic invasive species control for both large scale projects and in sensitive habitats. Staffed by licensed commercial herbicide applicators (categories 5, 6) with over 50 years of combined experience. Additionally, Stantec provides biological surveys and permitting services.

Stewardship Specialists, LLC 1750 Burma rd gosport, in 47433

Service Area: Indiana
Contact: Shaun Ziegler, t: 812-955-0711; c: 812-320-3171; e:
Services and Expertise: Treatment of all invasive species including: trees, shrubs, vines, forbs, and grasses. Application methods including: high volume foliar, truck and atv boom and wand application, spot treatment, backpack, basal bark oil application, hack and squirt, cut stump treatment, aquatic and boat treatment. Prescribed fire operations for invasive control. Restoration work and habitat improvement through competitive replanting for wildlife and aesthetic environmental improvement. MS in Environmental Science, Indiana University specialized in Applied Ecology, Water Resources, and Environmental Chemistry, Toxicology and Risk Assessment and Master’s degree in Public Affairs from Indiana University specializing in Natural Resources Management. Experience with invasive control as employee of Indiana DNR and The Nature Conservancy.  Indiana commercial pesticide applicators license.
Insurance: Commercial general liability and professional liability coverage

Third Generation Timber Consulting & Forest Management 109 N. Geiger st., Huntingburg, in 47542

Service Area: Dubois, Perry, Spencer, Crawford, Martin, Orange, Pike, Gibson, and Harrison counties
Contact: Chris Fehribach, c: 812-639-3561; e:
Services and Expertise: Timber Management, Timber Stand Improvement, Invasive Species Control (Species controlled, Ailanthus, Bush Honeysuckle, Autumn Olive, Stilt Grass, Multiflora-rose, Japanese Honeysuckle, Oriental Bittersweet), Native nuisance species controlled: Understory Beech infestations, 23 years personal experience managing forestland, 8 years experience with invasive, 3rd generation tree farmer. Indiana commercial pesticide license Cat. 2
Insurance: $1,000,000 commercial general liability ins.

Timber Sales and Management 923 e. 4th st seymour, in 47274 

Service Area: South central and southeast Indiana
Contact: David Pyle, t: 812-522-9545; e:
Services and Expertise: Control of Woodland invasive species including trees, shrubs, bushes and plants. Consultant forester for over 12 years.  8 years experience with the DNR on Clark State Forest and 2 years as a forester for the Dept. of Defense at Jefferson Proving Ground.  22 years total experience as a forester.  Bachelor's Degree from Purdue in Wildlife Management.  Logging best management practices (BMP) training through the DNR.   Indiana commercial pesticide applicators license, category 2.  
Insurance: Professional and general liability


Service Area: South-central Indiana
Contact: Josh Wagner, c:812 322-8923; e:
Services and Expertise: Wagner Forestry offers a complete array of land management services including invasive species control, wildlife habitat management, timber management, tree and wildlife planting, land management planning, and state/federal cost-share program assistance. Wagner Forestry has experience controlling invasive species in many environments, and we apply the proper method of invasive species control based on the characteristics of each property. Our objective for all invasive species control projects is to gain the highest level of control with the least impact to surrounding native vegetation. We are fully licensed by the state of Indiana.
Insurance: Professional Liability and Commercial General Liability

woodland works 2430 W. Skylight Rd Salem, IN 47167

Service Area: Prefer, but not limited to, Washington, Scott, Floyd, Clark, Harrison, Crawford, Orange, Lawrence, and Jackson Counties
Contact: Nathan Kachnavage, t: 812-883-2969; c: 812-521-7745; e:
Services and Expertise: Provide invasive control of forest species, including but not limited to:  ailanthus, bush honeysuckle, autumn olive, Japanese honeysuckle, multiflora rose, burning bush, Japanese stiltgrass, swamp privet, Japanese knotweed, and poison hemlock. Have been treating invasive species in southern Indiana for 8 years as a private consultant.  Indiana commercial pesticide applicators license, category 2.
Insurance: Commercial general liability 

W.S. Forest Restoration 10575 S. Arba Pike Lynn, IN 47355

Service Area: East Central Indiana

Contact: Wyatt Schweizer; 765-220-1169;

Service and Expertise: Specializing in invasive plant removal such as honeysuckle with forestry machinery. Large area brush cutting and bush hogging.

Insurance: $1,000,000 liability insurance