CISMAs & Funding — State of Indiana Cooperative Invasives Management

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CISMAs & Funding

CISMAs & Funding

One of SICIM's goals has been to promote and support the formation of Cooperative Invasive Species Management Areas (CISMAs) locally in the 35 southern Indiana county coverage area.  The Indiana Invasives Initiative partnership agreement with the NRCS that began in 2018 has expanded our work to cover the entire state of Indiana. Toward this effort, we have compiled the following resources, including funding opportunities available to CISMAs in Indiana.  For questions or more information please contact us at or 812-653-5563.  Our members and staff are here to help guide you through the process of creating and maintaining your county’s CISMA!

Outreach and landowner survey reimbursements for cismas

New in 2024! The Outreach and Landowner Survey Reimbursement Program will provide funding to Indiana CISMAs that conduct outreach events and landowner surveys.

Reimbursement application due dates:

Landowner survey: Dec. 15 of each year (through 2027)

Outreach: Oct. 31 of each year (through 2027)

**For details and application instructions, download the program slides here.

Questions? Contact Dawn Slack (

Weed wrangle reimbursements for cismas

New in April 2023!  The Indiana Weed Wrangle CISMA Reimbursement Program will provide funding to our CISMAs that host Weed Wrangles®. This is a one-time reimbursement program (broken into two payments that are based on completion of wrangles) that will begin Spring 2023. 

In order to participate in this reimbursement program each CISMA will do the following (CISMAs that host Weed Wrangles already do all of the list below except signing the reimbursement agreement): 

  • Complete and sign the Weed Wrangle Reimbursement Agreement and email to Dawn Slack (

  • The Weed Wrangle Reimbursement Agreement includes and asks for the following in order to participate in the reimbursable program: 

  1. CISMA fiduciary and other administrative/contact information 

  2. Provide a copy of the CISMA annual plan (this plan should include a list of planned Weed Wrangles) when you email the completed and signed agreement to Dawn and Stephanie

  3. Have a written management plan for Weed Wrangle site(s)

  4. Agree to conduct at least 3 Weed Wrangles at each location 

  5. Use the existing on-line Weed Wrangle registration and post-event forms via the Weed Wrangle page and check the reimbursement participation box

  6. Complete and send to the III Project Coordinator annually in December the annual CISMA spreadsheet (if you don’t have this spreadsheet email

  • Complete first Weed Wrangle and the post-event online form to receive first payment of $1,000.00

  • Complete second Weed Wrangle and the post-event online form to receive 2nd and final payment of $1,000.00

Click here to download ppt slides with all the details for Weed Wrangle reimbursements!

Click here to download Weed Wrangle CISMA Reimbursement Program instructions!

Questions? Contact Dawn Slack (

SICIM competitive grant for CISMAs

Our competitive grants for CISMAs are currently on hold, but if your CISMA has funding needs for an innovative project please contact us at We will determine funding possibilities on a case by case basis.

External Funding Sources

CISMAs can utilize a combination of resources to carry out activities, including volunteer time, donations, partnerships, and grants.  Here is some information on financial resources such as grants to help you.  We will continue to add to this section as we learn of new funding opportunities.  

The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation awards competitive grants to protect and conserve our nation's fish, wildlife, plants and habitats. The Foundation works with public and private partners in all 50 states and U.S. territories to solve the most challenging conservation problems. This grant does require a 1:1 match on non-federal money or in-kind, which can make it difficult for some groups.  

This is a state grant that recently allowed participants to apply for funding for invasive species management and CISMA creation.  The CWI fund is administered by the Division of Soil Conservation, and interested CISMAs should apply through a partnering county Soil & Water Conservation District.  

This is a state program by the Indiana Division of Fish & Wildlife.  Funding is eligible for management of aquatic invasive species.    

The Indiana Forestry Educational Foundation, Inc., (IFEF) provides competitive Educational Grants to help educate and inform the public about forests and forest management.  Currently applications are due by October 1st and awards of up to $500 are made in December.

The Indiana Native Plant Society supports well-conceived grant projects that are in line with their mission: To promote the appreciation, preservation, scientific study, and use of plants native to Indiana. To teach people about their beauty, diversity, and importance to our environment.

The South Central Chapter of INPS will provide small grants for qualified projects that further the mission of the organization. The Chapter will consider requests for grants that range from $50 to $250. Partial funding may be offered at the discretion of the Chapter.

Friends of the National Association of Conservation Districts are individuals who support the nation’s nearly 3,000 conservation districts through donations to NACD.

Indiana American Water’s Environmental Grant Program offers funding for innovative, community-based environmental projects that improve, restore or protect the watersheds, surface water and groundwater supplies in our local communities.

Many Community Foundations provide funding for their local communities.

Wild Ones sponsors the Lorrie Otto Seeds for Education Program. These funds are designated for acquiring native plants and seeds for outdoor learning areas that engage youth (preschool to high school) directly in planning, planting and caring for native plant gardens.