Weed Wrangle(R) Indiana — State of Indiana Cooperative Invasives Management

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Weed Wrangle(R) Indiana


what is Weed Wrangle® Indiana?

Weed Wrangles are volunteer events hosted nationwide to control the invasive plants that are negatively impacting our public parks, green spaces and natural areas. During these events, community members learn to identify and control through hands-on removal of these invasive plants which are causing harm to our native plant communities. Garlic mustard (Alliaria petiolata) is one example of an invasive plant targeted for control during Weed Wrangles. In addition to out-competing our native plants, research shows that garlic mustard can be fatal to several butterfly species. A rare species of butterfly, the West Virginia White (Pieris virginiensis), lays eggs on plants in the mustard family. However, any caterpillars that hatch from eggs laid on garlic mustard do not survive to become adult butterflies.

Across America, Weed Wrangle volunteers are lead by experts to learn how to identify and control invasive plants. By engaging our community members and challenging them to work to manage invasive plants in their own spaces, we foster a collective effort to have a substantial positive impact for our native plants, pollinators, birds, and other wildlife.

Please join us by attending a Weed Wrangle Indiana® in your area, and consider hosting one. You will not only learn about plants, wildlife and how to manage invasive plants, but will also join a national effort to positively impact our communities. And it’s fun! Just ask someone who has participated in a Weed Wrangle. Each event is a rewarding opportunity to work together locally to celebrate and protect our cherished green spaces and natural areas!


Slideshow of images from Weed Wrangle® Indiana events throughout the state.

host a Weed Wrangle® Indiana event!

Each Weed Wrangle must provide education on the importance of managing invasive species, how to identify the species that will be managed on the day of your Weed Wrangle event, teach participants management techniques, and then spend time managing invasive species at your location. We ask that you work with your Indiana Invasives Initiative Regional Specialist (RS) to write a management plan for your location and hold at least three Weed Wrangles at your location. Holding at least three wrangles teaches our citizens that land management takes time, and supplies you with increase capacity for invasive species management. Please reach out to your RS for assistance prior to scheduling a wrangle.

When planning and holding a Weed Wrangle, we ask that you provide information to us about your event with our PRE-EVENT REGISTRATION FORM and POST-EVENT REPORT (links above). We also ask that you use the Weed Wrangle Indiana® trademarked logo in all your publications and marketing for the event. You will receive it after registration. Our team will submit information to the National Weed Wrangle Point of Contact, Cayce McAlister in TN. Contact Dawn Slack (dawnraschel@gmail.com), with any questions you may have!

Weed Wrangle® Indiana Events Schedule: