Landowner Toolkit — State of Indiana Cooperative Invasives Management

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Landowner Toolkit

Landowner Toolkit

Stay True to Your Hoosier Roots, Go Native, Not Invasive!

SICIM has compiled this toolkit to provide landowners with the resources you need to identify invasive species threats, determine what options are effective to control them, and find assistance for control efforts.  Browse toolkit items below, or download the files from Google Drive.  If you have problems downloading files, or are interested in hard copies, contact SICIM at or 812-653-5563.

 SICIM does not endorse particular treatment protocols or herbicides. Herbicides, and other chemicals and mechanical control equipment, are inherently dangerous. They should be used by trained experts and/or with much caution. If you choose to use herbicides or mechanical equipment, always read and follow the herbicide label and herbicide/equipment safety precautions. Seek professional assistance or training whenever possible.

Invasive Plants in Indiana:

Essential guides, infosheets, and directory listings of Indiana invasive plants & their regulations.


Official IISC Invasive Plant List



Helpful brochures from SICIM and our state and regional partners.



Factsheets for several regional invasive plants made available by the Indiana Invasive Plant Species Working Group (IPSAWG).


Purdue publications

Factsheets and publications for invasive plants and native plants for pollinators made availabled by Purdue Extension.



More invasive management support information:


Invasive species control calendar

Invasive Species Links & Resources

Invasive Species Links & Resources

Financial Assistance for Invasive Species Control

Financial Assistance for Invasive Species Control


AlterNATIVES publications

Report invasive plants!

You can help invasive managers in your area and across the state by reporting invasive plants when you find them!  Indiana has partnered with EddMaps to allow Hoosiers to report invasives online or via their smartphone.  You can also browse their website or app to view distribution maps, photos, and other information on area invasives.