Get Involved — State of Indiana Cooperative Invasives Management

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Get Involved

Get involved

Invasive species can sometimes seem like an overwhelming problem, but you can help!  Browse this page to learn about ways to get involved as a Landowner, Land Manager, or Organization.  Together we can tackle invasives in Indiana. 


Show your hoosier roots - stay native, not invasive

SICIM has compiled this toolkit to provide landowners with the resources you need to identify invasive species threats, determine what options are effective to control them, and find assistance for control efforts.  Check it out on our Landowner Toolkit Page.


Retailers & Contractors

Grow Indiana Natives



The Grow Indiana Natives program sponsored by the Indiana Native Plant Society (INPS) encourages the use of Indiana native plants instead of invasive plants in landscaping. As a part of this program, if you grow natives in your gardens and commit to getting rid of invasive plants in your landscaping, you can apply to be a Grow Indiana Natives Certified Garden. If you buy native plants, Grow Indiana Natives offers an Invasive-Free Buy Natives Directory featuring only those plant sellers who offer Indiana native plants for sale and refuse to sell listed Indiana invasive plants because of the damage they cause. Keep your eye out for the Grow Indiana Natives - Invasive Free logo at plant retailers throughout the state.


You can help invasive managers in your area and across the state by reporting invasive plants when you find them!  Indiana has partnered with EddMaps to allow Hoosiers to report invasives online or via their smartphone.  You can also browse their website or app to view distribution maps, photos, and other information on area invasives.  Click the link below for more information:

Cooperative invasives management

If you're looking to help address the problems of invasive species beyond your own property, consider joining or forming a local Cooperative Invasive Species Management Area (CISMA) or as they used to be called, a CWMA, Cooperative Weed Management Area.  CISMAs, are partnerships that can include federal, state, and local government agencies, tribes, individuals, and other interested groups that manage noxious weeds or invasive plants in a specific area (such as county). 

CISMAs include local citizens, city, county, state, tribal and federal leaders, and both nonprofit organizations and for-profit corporations to more effectively control invasive plants across property lines. Some CISMAs have been started by government agencies taking a larger, region-wide approach to invasive plant management, while others have been formed by concerned citizens partnering with agencies, organizations, and corporations that can provide additional resources. No matter where the impetus comes from to start a CISMA, the goal is the same: to work together with all interested parties in the area for more effective invasive plant management.

SICIM is currently supporting the formation of smaller, county-level CISMAs in our area.  For more information, visit our CISMA Resources Page.  

If you or your organization is interested in joining SICIM as a Partner or volunteer, please contact us at or 812-653-5563.


SICIM is a 501c3 non-profit that is funded by grants and volunteer labor.  Donations also go a long way into furthering our efforts.  To make a financial donation, visit our Donate Page.  If you are interested in volunteering with SICIM, or donating supplies/materials, contact us at or 812-653-5563.