Speakers & Presentations — State of Indiana Cooperative Invasives Management

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Speakers & Presentations

Speakers & Presentations

Speakers & Presentations

Welcome to the SICIM Speakers & Presentations page!  We now offer a state-wide SPEAKERS BUREAU, with a listing of regional partners available to speak on a variety of themes and topics at your upcoming event. SICIM also hosts a series of great PRESENTATIONS on pressing topics available for download.


SICIM Speakers Bureau

The SICIM Speakers Bureau is a dynamic listing of regional conservation professionals available to present on a variety of themes and topics at your upcoming event. Please access the Speakers Bureau Online Request Form from the button below and complete the information so that we can match you up with knowledgeable speakers for your future meeting, workshop, or training opportunity.

If you would prefer a PDF / printable version of this request form instead (to submit via email or mail) you can download this here.

If you would like to be added to the Speakers Bureau directory please contact us sicim.info@gmail.com or 812-653-5563.


SICM Annual Meeting Presentations

2019 SICIM Annual Partners Meeting, Growing Grassroots in Indiana


2018 Annual Meeting, Taking the Message Statewide


other presentations

Invasive Look-a-Likes Training

Invasive Plants & The Terrestrial Plant Rule

Invasive Species Teaching Resources

Top 20 Emerging Invasive Plants in Indiana

Native Alternatives to Invasive Plants 

Black & Pale Swallow-Wort ID & Reporting


If you would like to receive a PowerPoint / PPT version of any presentation please reach out to us at sicim.info@gmail.com or 812-653-5563.