Links & Resources
Links & Resources
The latest updates
Official IISC Invasive Plant List
The Invasive Plant Advisory Committee (IPAC) works to develop and maintain the Indiana Invasive Species Council (IISC), Official Invasive Plant List for Indiana. This list was recently updated in April 2020 with both revised and new invasive species rankings. The invasive plants on this list were ranked using a science-based, transparent risk assessment process. Plants in trade are assessed using the same risk assessment tool used by the Invasive Plants Species Assessment Working Group (IPSAWG). Plants not in trade are assessed using the Indiana Non-native Plant Invasiveness Ranking Form (INPIRF).
This field guide was created as a collaborative effort by the Indiana Invasive Species Council (IISC), The Nature Conservancy in Indiana, and the Indiana Native Plant Society (INPS). A Guide to the Regulated Terrestrial Invasive Plants Species of Indiana covers 49 regulated terrestrial invasive plants in Indiana with pictures and descriptions on how to identify the species, as well as specifics on how to distinguish these invasive species from similar native species. Information on the regulations and how to report violations are also included. This pdf is free to download and a printed version of this field guide will be available for purchase in the future, so keep a lookout!
Indiana Terrestrial Plant Rule
The Terrestrial Plant Rule (312 IAC 18-3-25) designates 44 species of plants as invasive pests in the State of Indiana. Effective April 18, 2020, this rule makes it illegal to sell, gift, barter, exchange, distribute, transport, or introduce these plants in the State.
The Invasive Plant Advisory Committee offers the this helpful Terrestrial Plant Rule Fact Sheet publication to answer some key questions about this rule. More Information about the TPR and other state level invasive plant rules can be found on the IDNR website & the Purdue Extension publication: What Nurseries Need to Know About the Invasive Species Regulation
Websites & OrganizationS
Indiana invasive species council
The IISC page includes the developing list an invasive plant list for Indiana using a science-based, transparent risk assessment process. It also includes resources pertaining to invasive species rules, management practices, and reporting.
Report Invasive
Invasive Species Information from Purdue University has a collection of information and videos to help with identification, control, and reporting of invasive species.
Indiana DNR Terrestrial Invasive Species - Plants
The Indiana Department of Natural Resources (INDR) directory of terrestrial invasive plants and plant restrictions in Indiana
Midwest invasive plant network
Resources in efforts to reduce the impact of invasive plant species in the Midwest. Includes lots of resources specific for CWMAs/CISMAs.
Center for invasive species & ecosystem health:
Resources on multiple invasive species, including a wide selection of pictures available for use in educational publications.
The Nature Conservancy in Indiana site includes features on the places and wildlife they are working to protect in the Hoosier State. It also provides instructional material for invasive control and land stewardship.
EDDMaps Indiana
Report invasive species locations, view known distributions, and browse information on select species.
Where do I start? Prioritizing invasive plant control
Instructions by Ellen Jacquart, Summer 2009 INPAWS Journal.
At the Crossroads - Invasive Species in Indiana
Findings and recommendations from the Indiana Invasive Species Task Force July 7, 2008.
outreach & Education materials
weed science videos
University of Wisconsin videos diagramming the identification of various midwestern invasives.
play clean go: Stop invasive species in your tracks
Play Clean Go is an international campaign targeting the spread of terrestrial invasive plants and more importantly steps everyone can take to not spread these destructive species. Groups can become Play Clean Go partners for free and gain access to their graphics and outreach materials.
Don't Move firewood
Another great awareness campaign, this targets the spread of forest pests and diseases through firewood. The site has lots of educational resources on this specific issue.
Wildlife Forever: Clean Drain Dry & Stop Aquatic hitchhikers
Wildlife Forever runs these joint campaigns targeting the spread of aquatic invasive species. They have some great materials along with a catalog of items for purchase (can coozies, signs, brochures, etc.).
plant databases
Butler University Friesner Herbarium
A digital collection project to link label information from our Indiana specimens with images in a searchable electronic format.
Illinois Wildflowers
Wildflower and other botanical identification information.
Indiana University Herbarium > Consortium of Midwest Herbaria
A digital collection at the state and regional level with images of each preserved plant specimen as well as photos of live plants for most Indiana species. The archive is searchable by scientific name and taxonomic placement, common plant names, location, the name of the person who collected it, and plant characteristics.
Look up, view a photo and read about the over 6,800 plants which are growing or have been grown in the Kemper Center display gardens (plus selected additions) by scientific name, common name and/or selected plant characteristics.
usda plants database
Provides standardized information about the vascular plants, mosses, liverworts, hornworts, and lichens of the U.S. and its territories.