Invasive Species Assistance — State of Indiana Cooperative Invasives Management

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Invasive Species Assistance

Invasive Species Assistance

The Indiana Invasives Initiative project provides FREE one-on-one Technical Assistance to landowners and land managers, including on-site Invasive Plant Property Surveys and Management Plans. Learn more about these services and how to take advantage of these resources below.



Technical Assistance

Technical Assistance offered through the Indiana Invasives Initiative is FREE information and support provided by our Regional Specialists to identify invasive species, provide for their prevention and control, and promote the use of native plants for landscaping and restoration practices. Our services include detection, inventorying, and monitoring of invasive species on both public and private lands. Additionally, Technical Assistance can provide access to regional listings of invasive species, educational opportunities, invasive management contractors, and other resources. Opportunities to facilitate partnerships and/or obtain funding may also be provided as a part of Technical Assistance.



Management plans

Providing FREE Invasive Plant Landowner Surveys & Management Plans is one the ways we offer Technical Assistance through the Indiana Invasives Initiative project. Many landowners and land managers are concerned that non-native invasive plant species are overtaking their lands, crowding out native plants, and making it difficult for other wildlife to thrive. The good news is that you don’t have to face these battles alone. Our SICIM Regional Specialists will visit your property upon request to identify invasive plant species, write a management plan, and provide detailed information on how to control the invasive plant species on your property. Contact the Regional Specialist for your area to schedule your FREE Landowner Survey today! For any in person site visits, we follow state and local COVID-19 protocols and other appropriate precautions.



Request Assistance

Visit our Indiana Invasives Initiative page to find the Regional Specialist in your area and submit your request for assistance