Report — State of Indiana Cooperative Invasives Management

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lesser celandine invading floodplain_2_Marion Co.jpeg


 Reporting invasives in indiana


Report the spread of invasive species

EDDMapS is a tool that can help record location and spread of invasive species. Download the app on your smartphone to report invasive species when you see them in natural areas!

The website has a lot of information on invasive species, so it is a great resource as well. There are training tools and instructions on how to download and use the app:

Note: this app is not for reporting the Callery pear planted in your neighbor’s yard! But it can be used to report the Callery pear volunteers growing in the park across the street due to those planted in landscaping nearby. It is meant to report and track the spread of invasives in natural areas.

Report prohibited species being sold: Indiana’s Terrestrial Plant Rule

The Terrestrial Plant Rule (312 IAC 18-3-25) designates 44 species of plants as invasive pests in the State of Indiana. Effective April 18, 2020, this rule makes it illegal to sell, gift, barter, exchange, distribute, transport, or introduce these plants in Indiana.

The Invasive Plant Advisory Committee offers the this helpful Terrestrial Plant Rule Fact Sheet publication to answer some key questions about this rule. More Information about the TPR and other state level invasive plant rules can be found on the IDNR website & the Purdue Extension publication: What Nurseries Need to Know About the Invasive Species Regulation

If you find a plant on this list being sold in Indiana, you can report it to the Indiana Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology here.