Videos — State of Indiana Cooperative Invasives Management

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sicim videos 

Welcome to the SICIM Video Archive page! Join our Regional Specialists both out in the field & online to learn to identify, control, and report invasive species in Indiana. Also discover which native plants are ideal choices for landscape and restoration plantings. 


plant identification & Control

Repel the Invasives series

Join Regional Specialist Amber Slaughterbeck in the "Repel the Invasives!" 4 part webinar series as she covers invasive plant identification & control hosted by Purdue Extension ANR - Owen & Clay Co.


Invasive Plant ID & Native Plantings

Join Regional Specialist Erica Luchik in Northwest Indiana to learn how to identify a few invasive plants and begin a prairie restoration or pollinator garden around your home.


Japanese Stiltgrass, Microstegium vimineum

Join Regional Specialist Emily Finch to learn to identify the invasive grass Japanese stiltgrass. For a good comparison of Stiltgrass with other grasses, check out the Field Guide to The Identification of Japanese Stiltgrass by Alabama Cooperative Extension System.


chinese yam, Dioscorea polystachya

Regional Specialist Emily Finch goes over how to identify the invasive vine Chinese yam along with some native vines it can be confused with. For more information, check out this New Invasive Plants of the Midwest Fact Sheet on Chinese yam by


Reporting Invasive Species

Reporting invasive species with EDDMapS & GLEDN App

Meet the Indiana Invasives Initiative Regional Specialist Team and learn how to report invasive species using the EDDMapS Indiana both online & remotely via the GLEDN App. To learn more and report invasives visit EDDMapS Indiana.