Hoosiers Helping Habitat: A Statewide Weed Wrangle® Initiative! — State of Indiana Cooperative Invasives Management

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Hoosiers Helping Habitat: A Statewide Weed Wrangle® Initiative!

Join us on Saturday, October 12, as we dedicate this day for a colossal weed wrangle across the state! 

  1. Partner with your local CISMA, citizens, park manager, and other local organizations

  2. Choose a publicly accessible location like a local park

  3. Register your wrangle here OR learn where to join a Weed Wrangle happening near you: https://www.sicim.info/weed-wrangle-indiana/#WWreg

If you plan to join us and hold a Weed Wrangle on October 12, or have questions, email Dawn Slack: dawn@sicim.info.

Reminder: Weed Wrangle is a registered trademark and a nationwide event. You must register your Weed Wrangle and post your results. Registering is easy and takes about 5 minutes. Join us for a powerful 2-hour event of celebrating natural Indiana. Find your CISMA here: https://www.sicim.info/cismas

Earlier Event: September 23
South Central Invasive Species Training