2024 Indiana Invasive Species Conference — State of Indiana Cooperative Invasives Management

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2024 Indiana Invasive Species Conference

  • Abe Martin Lodge 1405 IN-46 West Nashville, IN (map)

In the interest of reaching a wider audience throughout Indiana and to bring more people together to address the invasive species issues statewide, we have combined the SICIM Annual Partners Meeting and the Annual CISMA Conference into one event: the Indiana Invasive Species Conference! This event will be held on June 13, 2024, at the Abe Martin Lodge at Brown County State Park. We invite all partners: professionals, landowners, CISMA members, and concerned citizens to join us. There will be relative content for all, and this will be an excellent opportunity to make connections with others working on invasive species in Indiana. We are all in this together! Continuing education credits will be offered for those who are interested.

Registration and all current information can be found on the conference website: https://www.sicim.info/invasivespeciesconference